We were fortunate to have the opportunity to re-home the farmhouse sink from my Great-Grandparents home. We are thrilled with the transformation from the successful re-finishing!
My great grandparents immigrated from Italy, met in the United States and married June 21st, 1913. Great Grandma “Nana” mothered ten children. She grew beautiful flowers and baked bread for the church. Delivered by my great uncle via bicycle to the priests. My great-grandfather worked the coal mines. They didn’t have much financially but loved each other and their children very much.
My Nana’s kitchen early on consisted of a narrow stairway to the second floor, a stove, a door accessing small side porch, and the most wonderful cast iron sink. Retro fitted with a pump to more readily access the well water she used and also a wall mount faucet.
They passed away but the house stayed in our family until being sold about 5 years ago. Before listing the house for sale we had the opportunity to save the sink. Well used but in relatively good condition for its age, a late 19th century model. Made of cast iron, 60″ wide with a high back, drainboards on each side, and weighs in close to 500 lbs. Tucking the sink and the pump away in a safe corner of our barn knowing some day it would be used again.
I searched the web and Pinterest for ways to clean it up but was unsuccessful in my attempts. I managed to find a gentleman about 15 miles from our home that refinishes sinks and tubs all over the country. He came to take a look, agreed it was in good shape and salvageable, and gave us an estimate to re-finish. There would be a few rules though, no bleach (not a drop) or heavy cast iron pans. Luckily we don’t own any cast iron pans or use much bleach anyway. After pricing out reproductions we felt good spending the money to have a such an authentic item in our home.

I’m shopping for a faucet to compliment the farmhouse sink and the new kitchen. Read more about our restoration and renovation journey at https://townhousetofarmhouse.com/blog-post-title/